Engaging DNA Bench For Public Spaces, Inspired by the DNA molecule, Leonardo Rossano of True Design together with Debora Mansur developed an engaging furniture piece. The twisting DNA Bench is meant for public spaces, bringing a highly original touch to this furniture sector. This is not the first time we’ve seen DNA inspired designs- do you remember the MyDNA Bookcase by Joel Escalona or the Watson Table paying tribute to James Watson, known for discovering the helical structure of DNA? Nevertheless, this bench design ranks high in originality and we are pleased to share it further.
ideas modern bench Engaging DNA Bench By True Design Adding Appeal To Public Spaces
Here is an excerpt from the official project description, as provided by the designers: “Inspired by the dynamic forms of biogenetics, the modular bench DNA consists in a unique construction assembly which is created by a single section of curved plywood, that is mirrored in design to create multiple seating configurations. The result of this system, is a captivating piece of furniture, shaped after the helix form, in which each completed section creates an individual seat for the user creating comfort in a public space”. How would you comment on the concept and functionality of this project?
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